
rnaseqlib is a simple, lightweight pipeline for RNA-Seq analysis.


  • Pipeline for analyzing RNA sequencing data:
    • Maps reads to genome and splice junctions
    • Computes basic quality control statistics
    • Outputs RPKM values for genes
  • Supports several sequencing experiments:
    • mRNA sequencing (mRNA-Seq)
    • Ribosome profiling data (Ribo-Seq)
    • CLIP for RNA-binding proteins (CLIP-Seq)
    • SELEX-Seq (Bind-n-Seq)
  • Contains utilities for processing MISO output

Design principles

rnaseqlib follows three simple design principles. It is intended to be:

  1. Simple: provides minimalistic support for RNA-Seq. Performs only simple computations that are applicable to nearly all experiments – complexities that are specific to certain experiments/libraries are left as post-processing steps for the user.
  2. Lightweight: minimal dependencies. Relies mostly on Python and commonly used genomic packages (such as Bedtools), to avoid software bloat and complex installation.
  3. Compact: produces and consumes compressed files, so that it can be used in projects with hundreds of samples.



  • Released rnaseqlib


Get rnaseqlib from the GitHub repository (http://github.com/yarden/rnaseqlib). To install with distribute‘s easy_install:

easy_install rnaseqlib

For local installation with distribute, use:

easy_install --user -U rnaseqlib

If you don’t have easy_install, install it as an ordinary Python package:

python setup.py install

Or for local installation:

python setup.py install --prefix=/your/local/dir


Requires Bedtools and Samtools, and several commonly used Python modules (like pandas, all of which are installed automatically using the Python package manager.) The initialization step requires Jim Kent’s genePredToGtf utility for processing UCSC genome browser tables.

Running rnaseqlib

There are two steps to running rnaseqlib: First, creating a set of initialization files for your genome (called an RNA Base) – this is done once per genome. Second, writing a configuration file that describes your samples and library parameters, which can then be used to run the pipeline.

Initializing an RNA base for your genome

The first step is to create a set of files, called an RNA Base, required to run rnaseqlib for a particular genome. For example,

rna_pipeline.py --init mm9 --output-dir pipeline_init

This will create a directory called mm9 in pipeline_init containing the necessary files for running the pipeline on the mm9 genome. The initialization procedure will, among other things, do the following:

  • Download the genome sequence files from UCSC (in FASTA format)
  • Download gene tables from UCSC for Ensembl genes, UCSC knownGenes, and RefSeq genes.
  • Compute the coordinates for exons, introns, constitutive exons, constitutive exons in coding regions, and other useful features of gene tables
  • Index the genome files using bowtie-build

For the mouse and human genomes, sequences of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) are automatically downloaded from NCBI and built into the Bowtie index as chrRibo. The pipeline relies on chrRibo in later steps to filter out rRNA reads and measure the level of rRNA contamination in libraries.

Configuration: specifying your data and mapping parameters

The settings of the RNA-Seq pipeline are specified through a single settings file that contains four main sections:

  • pipeline: what data type is used (e.g. RNA-Seq, Ribo-Seq, etc.)
  • pipeline-files: where the pipeline initialization files are stored
  • mapping: parameters related to mapping of the data (e.g. what mapper to use, where the genome index is.)
  • data: where the input sequence files are and where the results should be outputted

The following is an example settings file for a set of mRNA-Seq samples:

## Pipeline settings for RNA-Seq
# Data type to use (e.g. 'rnaseq' or 'riboseq')
data_type = rnaseq

init_dir = ./mm9

mapper = tophat
bowtie_path = bowtie
tophat_path = tophat
tophat_index = mm9_index
cluster_type = bsub
genome = mm9
tophat_options = --bowtie1 --min-anchor-length 4
tophat_gtf = ./mm9/ucsc/knownGene.gtf
readlen = 40
overhanglen = 4
paired = True
paired_end_frag = 300
stranded = fr-first

indir = ./input_dir
outdir = ./results

sequence_files = [
    ["sample1_p1.fastq.gz", "sample1_p1"],
    ["sample1_p2.fastq.gz", "sample1_p2"],
    ["sample2_p1.fastq.gz", "sample2_p1"],
    ["sample2_p2.fastq.gz", "sample2_p2"]]

sample_groups = [["sample1", ["sample1_p1", "sample1_p2"]],
                 ["sample2", ["sample2_p1", "sample2_p2"]]]

Running the pipeline

To run the pipeline, use the --run option:

rna_pipeline.py --run --settings ./settings.txt --output-dir ./my_results

where settings.txt is the pipeline settings file and my_results is a directory where the pipeline output should go.

An example settings file and small FASTQ files for an mRNA-Seq dataset are available in the examples/rnaseq directory of the pipeline. The paths in the settings file examples/rnaseq/rnaseq_settings.txt need to be edited to reflect the paths of various files on your own filesystem (e.g. init_dir needs to be set to the location of your RNA base.) The rawdata files for the examples are two paired-end mRNA-Seq samples are available in the examples/rnaseq/fastq directory.

Command-line options

run_pipeline.py is the main driver script of the pipeline. It takes the following main arguments:

--run                 Run pipeline.

                      Settings filename.

                      Initialize the pipeline. Takes as input a genome, e.g.
                      mm9 or hg18.

                      Output directory.

Settings file features and options

Below are the main parameters to be used in the rnaseqlib settings file. Parameters that have default values are considered optional and can be omitted from the file.

  • mapper: The mapper to use (currently, only tophat is supported.)
  • bowtie_path: Path to bowtie program (optional). Default is "bowtie", meaning bowtie must be on your path.
  • tophat_path: Path to tophat program (optional). Default is "tophat", meaning tophat must be on your path.
  • tophat_index: Path to genome index that should be used by tophat mapping. This index is typically built by bowtie-build and is automatically made as part of the RNA Base using the --init option.
  • cluster_type: The cluster_type settings under the [mapping] section of the settings file specifies how distinct samples should be processed. It can be set to one of three values:
    • bsub: Run distinct samples as separate jobs on a cluster using bsub
    • qsub: Same as bsub, but using the qsub submission system
    • none: Run the pipeline using multiple cores on the local computer (does not make use of a cluster.)
  • genome: Genome to be used, e.g. mm9 or hg18
  • tophat_options: String of command-line options to be passed to tophat when it is invoked for mapping. E.g. tophat_options = --bowtie1 --min-anchor-length 4, to signal to Tophat to use bowtie1 for mapping and use a minimum of 4 base overhang for junction reads. This string is appended to the Tophat call and so must contain valid Tophat arguments for the call to succeed.
  • tophat_gtf: GTF file of known gene models to be used with Tophat (optional). Used to tell Tophat about known junctions.
  • readlen: Read length of input BAM files.
  • overhanglen: Overhang restriction on junctions (optional). Default is 1.
  • paired: Whether the data is paired-end or not. If paired-end, specify True, if single-end, specify False.
  • paired_end_frag: Average fragment length (optional). Only used for paired-end runs. Used internally as an argument to Tophat to specify the expected fragment length.
  • stranded: If data set is strand-specific, specify the strand convention (optional). Uses the same strand conventions as Tophat (e.g. fr-first).

Creating and processing MISO output with misowrap


Section under construction

misowrap is a utility for running MISO and processing its output for a set of samples. It takes a configuration file as described above that lists a set of BAM files and their sample labels, and automatically runs MISO on these samples and generates pairwise comparisons between them.

It can also create a set of filtered events, that are selected to meet read coverage criteria. Filtered events are outputted to a table containing various gene features from the UCSC tables generated by the pipeline’s RNA base.

Example MISO pipeline

The following pipeline steps start with a settings file describing a set of samples and run MISO on the samples, generating summary files and comparisons for relevant samples, and combining the results in unfiltered and filtered (based on read counts) form.

  1. Run MISO on samples:
misowrap.py run misowrap_settings.txt miso_output/

The raw MISO output will be placed in the directory defined in misowrap_settings.txt and the logs of the run will be placed in miso_output/ directory.

  1. Once run is completed, summarize samples:
misowrap.py summarize misowrap_settings.txt miso_output/

This summarizes samples and places summary files for each sample in relevant place as inferred by sample organization in misowrap_settings.txt. Logs are placed in miso_output/ directory.

3. Compare samples to each other. Uses the sample_groups parameter in settings file to determine which pairwise comparisons to run.

misowrap.py compare misowrap_settings.txt miso_output/

This compare samples to each other and places the output of comparisons in a comparisons subdirectory of the MISO output directory given in misowrap_settings.txt. Logs are placed in the miso_output/ directory.

  1. Filter comparisons based on reads counts, using the count filters defined for each event type in misowrap_settings.txt:
misowrap.py filter-comparisons misowrap_settings.txt miso_output/

This creates filtered versions of the comparison .miso_bf files and places them in the directory filtered_events in the MISO comparisons directory (which is the comparisons directory in the MISO output directory given in misowrap_settings.txt). For example:

- MISO output directory (defined by settings file)
  - comparisons/
      - filtered_events/
          - SE/
            - SE samples here...
            - ...
          - RI/
            - RI samples here...
            - ...
  1. Combine comparisons into single files and place them in the directory where our comparisons are. Takes the comparisons directory (which contains MISO comparisons) and the settings file
misowrap.py combine-comparisons miso_output/comparisons/ misowrap_settings.txt –output-dir miso_output/comparisons/

This outputs single files that contain information about events pooled from all the samples described in the settings file. It also creates a filtered version of these combined events where the read filters (defined for each event) in misowrap_settings.txt are applied to the samples. The resulting output structure is:

- MISO output directory (defined by settings file)
  - comparisons/
    - combined_comparisons/    # combined comparisons (unfiltered)
    - filtered_events/         # filtered events
      - combined_comparisons/  # combined comparisons (filtered)
        - SE.miso_bf           # combined, filtered comparisons for all SE events
        - RI.miso_bf           # combined, filtered comparisons for all RI events
        - ...

Creating custom GFF annotations for MISO

rnaseqlib has a set of scripts in the gff module that can generate a GFF annotation of exon-centric alternative events which can be used by MISO for quantitation using RNA-Seq. Given a set of transcripts in the UCSC genePred format, these scripts will build a “splice graph” representation of how each exon in the transcript can be spliced, and then produce a set of possible events (categorized into alternative event types) by traversing this graph. For example, suppose we have a genePred table called ensGene.txt:

$ head -n 3 ensGene.txt
585     ENST00000619216.1       chr1    -       17368   17436   17368   17368   1       17368,  17436,  0       MIR6859-2       none    none    -1,
585     ENST00000473358.1       chr1    +       29553   31097   29553   29553   3       29553,30563,30975,      30039,30667,31097,      0       MIR1302-11      none    none    -1,-1,-1,
585     ENST00000469289.1       chr1    +       30266   31109   30266   30266   2       30266,30975,    30667,31109,    0       MIR1302-11      none    none    -1,-1,

We can produce a set of exon-centric GFF events from this table using the gff_make_annotation script from rnaseqlib:

$ gff_make_annotation ./ ./gff --flanking-rule commonshortest --genome-label hg38
Making GFF alternative events annotation...
  - UCSC tables read from: ./
  - Output dir: ./gff
Loaded 1 UCSC tables.
Loading tables...
Populating graph...
Adding splice edges from table ensGene.txt
Populating graph took 37.50 seconds
Reading table ./ensGene.txt
Generating skipped exons (SE)
Generating mutually exclusive exons (MXE)
Generating alternative 3' splice sites (A3SS)
Generating alternative 5' splice sites (A5SS)
Outputting retained introns...
Defining retained introns (RI)
Took 1.60 minutes to make the annotation.

The call to gff_make_annotation says: load all genePred tables in the current directory (./) and output the set of GFF events into the directory ./gff. The --flanking-shortest parameter specifies how to pick the flanking exons of an alternative event when there are multiple options (e.g. which flanking exons to use for an alternatively skipped exon.) In the above call, we chose to the take the common shortest region as flanking exons. The --genome-label option specifies what the name of the GFF annotation should be. Note that rnaseqlib will only load genePred tables if they are named ensGene.txt, refGene.txt or knownGene.txt. Any genePred files with these names that are in the input directory will be parsed and used to populate the splice graph, so that information from multiple annotation genePred tables can be used to make the GFF events.

This call should generate an output directory with a GFF file for each of the event types:

$ ls ./gff/commonshortest/
A3SS.hg38.gff3  A5SS.hg38.gff3  MXE.hg38.gff3  RI.hg38.gff3  SE.hg38.gff3

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Section under construction


rnaseqlib was written by Yarden Katz.


Thanks to:

  • Noah Spies (MIT)
  • Eric Wang (MIT)